It's really important to expose the hypocrisy of these "left" or "progressive" publications who are silent on covid. This also applies to many left organizations. I'd like to see that exposed too.

However, I also think it's important to shout-out those doing the right thing. The World Socialist Website and their Socialist Equality Party have been on the right side of this and promoting zero covid elimination of the virus from the beginning. They're heroes in my book.

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It's a bizarre world where the right wing business media pays more attention to Covid surges than the left media!

The left just didn't know what to do right from the start. The best course was to choose an anti-Covid stance which was independent of the governments. The right wing seized the anti-vax, covid is harmless, let it rip line and mobilized with the support of much of the rich and powerful. The left wing (unions, parties, etc) essentially stood by, confused, and have still not recovered.

A fascinating question is now - where is this going to end? Currently, around 1 in 10 infections result in long term problems, but this ratio will get worse with cumulative infections.

I don't know myself where we are heading . I can imagine that within 10 years, the entire population will be recovering from Long Covid. Everyone will be in various stages of illness. Truly healthy people will be unusual. This is my pessimistic view, but am I being realistic?

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Regarding this article, I think it is time I dropped some eggs on Double day’s comment box again.

First, to Mulven, I am glad you are a follower of the World Socialist Web site. I think the Trotskyites are misguided about some things but they are authentic.

I have no patience with the phony left. DD has listed a few of these publications in the article. I find “The Intercept” to be the most obnoxious.

I wrote something a little while back, motivated by a previous article by DD. I linked it and put it in her comment box. I did this some time after the original article so I don’t think it got the response it might have. Here it is one last time; https://adultsincharge.blog/2024/05/11/the-three-sided-conflict/

The thesis is that most of contemporary history, including the botch of the pandemic response, is explained by a conflict of the three main political forces in western society. Industrial and Financial capitalism, and socialism or a social economy.

Behind the determination to infect the population are two different ideas about Darwinism and Eugenics adhered to by these two factions.

I now have the new book, “The Three way Fight” and when I finish it I will do a review which I will probably submit to DD.

The way it is going, DD, south of the border, the screw heads are soon going to be forcing people to get infected. Like, compulsory covid parties, something like that.

It is better here in Canada. I have yet to be bothered by anyone for wearing a mask in public. A few people still do.

Something else of interest to this crowd. Another blogger I follow has written a very interesting piece about the history of the Spanish Flu epidemic. Especially, about how the flat refusal of government, especially the military during world war one, to deal with it or even admit its existence, really created that pandemic. It could easily have been contained.


Now I will go and promote DDs latest as much as I can. It is harder to do now.

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Just paid for my subscription. Thank you!

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