Really enjoyed this discussion, the mental gymnastics people have to do to justify not protecting the vulnerable is astounding

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Thanks for this discussion. I share your frustration and I really appreciate that you continue to post our research. I wonder if anyone will ever listen.

Your article that outlined the many missteps that got us to this place is very useful.

I continue to mask. So does my husband. So does my adult daughter. We avoid indoor activities/gatherings.

It's a real challenge NOT to think everyone is just plain stupid for being so uninformed and frankly uncaring.

Now we all truly understand the meaning of 'gaslighting'.

SO grateful for those who continue to produce infectious disease research.

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You keep using that word ("genocide"). I do not think it means what you think it means.

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The whole thing with Covid is eugenics. They want to wipe out anyone they see as unworthy of living -- which is anyone who annoys, inconveniences or costs them money. That's pretty much going to be all of us at some point. The disabled are a population and they're not useless or worthless. Disabled people are actually mostly working and pretending to be well, as Julia has described many times. They won't even call themselves disabled, even though they are. They get no accommodations, either. Just suffering all the time and swimming against the tide to avoid the judgement and prejudice that awaits them once they can't hide it any longer.

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I agree with you that eugenics is playing a role in the failure to properly respond to the Covid pandemic. But I was referring to Julia Doubleday's accusation that Israel has been committing genocide in Gaza.

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Really? I find it sad that many fellow Jews find they need to try to 'correct' people's perceptions of the daily outrages performed by this openly fascist Israeli government, rather than direct their anger at this Israeli regime and it's supporters itself. As today's story by the former IDF Director himself exposes, he knows they're committing war crimes and ethnic cleansing not because he has special intel, but simply because he's listening to what the Likud ministers have been saying out loud, again and again, for months. Whether it's all genocide is an exercise in semantics.

At this point, it's all brutal, savage, immoral and way beyond any defense.

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No, it's not merely a matter of semantics. You wouldn't describe the Holocaust as a "war crime" or "ethnic cleansing," would you? Because, obviously, its victims would have much preferred to have been ethnically cleansed from Europe rather than exterminated. Julia is a (great) writer, which is why she knows that *words matter*.

As for Israel's government, while I happen to despise it, it is not "fascist." Nor has it been proven that Israel has committed war crimes or ethnic cleansing. See, for example, https:/www.legal-tools.org/doc/rcyuqezy/pdf and https:/www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/CourtRecords/0902ebd180920f26.pdf.

Finally, regarding the genocide accusation, see https://isca.indiana.edu/publication-research/research-paper-series/norman-jw-goda-research-paper.html.

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I fully support calling the genocide in Palestine a genocide, as the same demented war criminal president who is committing it is also a eugenicist leaving millions in the US to suffer from covid. Where did that money from cutting the safety net programs go? Hm, maybe to instigate Ukraine into a horrific slaughter provoking Russia into perhaps a nuclear holocaust, and then to fully arm Israel to quadruple Hiroshima Palestinians?

I really appreciate the overall analysis, but Walker is deeply out of touch in that a) the "economy" is good and b) the "economy" being "good" has anything to do with anyone in the US making less than $250,000 a year, as wages are not only stagnant but rapidly eroding due to manufactured inflation (corporate greed and sanctions on Russia, soon to be worse under trump). The Dow, NASDAQ, and S&P are measures of corporate theft of workers wages, not a share of workers' profit in the "economy".

Next joint discussion I'd like to hear is how to get the goddamn Left, not libs, to take covid seriously.

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