"Well written, Julia. I hope you're feeling a bit better. Thank you for highlighting the widespread tendency to ignore uncomfortable truths in our culture."
This is a crucial question of our times: what are the long-term effects of repeated mass Covid infections. Thanks for addressing it.
You have done a good job tracking its immunological effects.
There are places where the neurological effects might be clear, such as road accidents, visits to the GP with "memory problems", exam results. There are probably other places...
"Well written, Julia. I hope you're feeling a bit better. Thank you for highlighting the widespread tendency to ignore uncomfortable truths in our culture."
Beautifully written Julia. Would you consider sending a variation of it to mainstream media?
I have found some independent outlets will gladly print the truth. Thank you for what you do. L
You are BRILLIANT. I hope your writing gets into the MSM. Thank you
This is a crucial question of our times: what are the long-term effects of repeated mass Covid infections. Thanks for addressing it.
You have done a good job tracking its immunological effects.
There are places where the neurological effects might be clear, such as road accidents, visits to the GP with "memory problems", exam results. There are probably other places...